Dr. med. Zivko

Dr. med. Zivko
- Being a trained medical specialist in orthopedics, trauma surgery and podiatric surgery I’ve made it my profession and ambition to pave the way to my patients regaining a well-balanced and painless gait pattern.
After already being born in Frankfurt, I received my university degree in human medicine at J.W Goethe-University Frankfurt in 1999. Back then I already gathered practical experience at the Orthopedic University Hospital Friedrichsheim (Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Friedrichsheim), in the Department of General Surgery at the University Hospital Frankfurt (Universitätsklinik Frankfurt a.M.), in the Department of Plastic and Trauma Surgery at the University of UCLA (Los Angeles, CA, USA) an finally in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Baragwanath Hospital (Johannesburg, South Africa).
From 1999 to 2001 I worked as a intern at the Trauma Surgical Department of the Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Clinics in Wiesbaden, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. K. Wenda. Also in year 2001 I became an assistant physician at the Surgical Department of the Diakonie Hospital Bad Kreuznach.
Following my employment as an assistant physician at the Surgical Clinic of the Municipal Clinics Frankfurt-Höchst (Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt-Höchst) started in 2001, I received my doctorate in 2003. Afterwards, in 2005, I studied further under the leadership of Prof. Dr. W. Stelter and Prof. Dr. H. Dittmer to become a specialized surgeon. The next years until 2009 I was employed as a specialist at the Workers Compensation Trauma Clinic Frankfurt (Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Frankfurt am Main) while I achieving the additional title of special accident surgeon in 2008.
From 2009 to 2013 I held the office of senior physician in the department of orthopedic and traumatologic foot surgery at the BG Clinic Frankfurt a.M. At that time I developed a high interest in this specialist domain.
In 2010 I continued my education to become an orthopedics and trauma surgery consultant.
Since 2014 I run my own medical practice.
I am an active member of following medical-scientific associations:
- GFFC – Gesellschaft für Fuß- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie e.V. (Association of Ankle and Ankle Joint Surgery)
- Deutsche Assoziation für Fuß und Sprunggelenk e.V. (German Association of Feet and Ankle Joint)
- Berufsverband der Deutschen Chirurgen e.V. (Association of German Surgeons)
- AGA – Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (Association of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery)