Medical Treatment
Medical Treatment
An incorrect position of metatarsal bones is only treatable by surgery, a so called correcting osteotomy. The insert of advanced implants is a common method nowadays. I myself do combine modern and retained techniques to provide my patients the best possible chances of success in retrieving a natural gait pattern. In addition to the bone correction, I also carefully even out soft tissue, muscles and tendons. On behalf of the patient’s benefit, I use as little implants and medical wire as possible.
I also make sure to include the patient into choosing one of the numerous surgical methods and planning the ongoing therapy. The main goal of the treatment is to reduce any pain and rebuild the natural look and gait pattern while not limiting the foot’s functional capability.
There is a small chance of having a thrombosis after surgery, I therefore advise my patients to make use of a simple thrombosis prophylaxis, prescripted by me.
Two weeks after surgery, the pain and swelling will usually be faded away. Propping up the affected foot for the first 5-7 days and only stressing it until there is a feeling of tension or pain supports the healing process. I may have to use medical wires to temporarily stabilize the soft tissue right after surgery. They are visible from the outside but won’t leave any scarring. After a few weeks, they are being removed at the clinic.
If you underwent surgery and notice that the wound is still weeping, please apply a compress to the foot and freshly bandage it several a times a day. You will get a prescription for the needed materials. Later on, when the wound starts to close, you can use a simple plaster to protect it. But you should continue to bandage it until the next follow-up appointment, just to prevent any swelling.
Depending on which surgical method we chose, you are allowed to fully stress the foot (you should still use canes) or just partially stress it (not more weight than the leg itself). Please make sure to keep the foot completely dry for the whole first week after surgery. When taking a shower, wrap the foot into a sealed up plastic bag, which can be removed easily afterwards (before the skin starts sweating). After one week you are allowed to carefully rinse off the foot, even when the medical wires are still inside.
I recommend you to not take a full bath until the forth week after surgery. At this point all the stitches should be removed and the wound should be healed accordingly. If medical wires were used, you should not take a bath until they are removed completely.
If you work at a job you can perform while sitting, you are allowed to return to work after 1-2 weeks. In case you don’t, we will individually discuss your work ability.